Thursday, January 23, 2014

I Think I'm Ready for College but Maybe Not

Roomies, Sara Zarr and Tara Altebrando

 Recently, I've been on a streak of books that take place the summer between high school graduation and the first year of college, maybe because I'm a senior now and it feels appropriate but also because I really like books that deal with college. And better yet, this one was half-written by goddess Sara Zarr, which of course meant I waited anxiously for its release from the day that I heard about it.

This story revolves around Elizabeth, or EB, and Lauren, who learn that they will soon be roommates for their freshman year of college. The narration alternates between the two girls, and the email exchange between them is sprinkled throughout the chapters. Each girl had a distinct voice, and I enjoyed getting to know the two of them. Both of them seemed to grow a lot throughout the story, especially as it became clear that there were more similarities between them then they had initially thought.

Although the story centers on the relationship between EB and Lauren, it also looks realistically at their relationships with their friends, families, and boyfriends in the face of going away to college. The authors did a great job depicting the anxiety and questioning that can come with going away to college, as the girls try to figure out where they stand in their relationships if they won't be together anymore. Better yet was the romance between each of the girls and their boyfriends was authentic and masterfully done. I thought that both relationships were well executed because they captured the questioning and back and worth that comes with teenage relationships perfectly. Similarly, I thought that the relationships between the girls and their parents were well done. I loved Lauren's family, and her shifting feelings about them, as well as the growth and change between EB and her mom.

Overall, this was a book that gave a perfect snapshot of that last summer before college, and I would recommend it to anyone who's getting ready to go off to college, or who wants to revisit the glory days. Both authors do a fantastic job, and every word and page felt authentic to me, even if the story is a little bit like a soap opera (but they get points for acknowledging it!).

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